Wow... This is crazy... that Police Chief is like NOOOOOOOO!!!! The video below shows otherwise tho...
Adult and a few Teen get into a disagreement over the upcoming US Election. Jousha Lockner pulled agun on the Teens. Video Below
Terms like #Alllivesmatters #Bluelivesmatters and BlackLivesMatters were used, I still don't see why Peolice didn't arrest him if he was wrong, so who was right?
New Episode with new music from D Nyice, MelRose Stacks, Shot’s the Mc, CJ Dove, Murph Da God, Tori And Kolby, Ven and more...
Well imagine that, you become the VP of Versace Sneaker Design Dept. You made it where Yeezy was trying to go at first, VP at a World Famous Fashion House. In the world we live in this doesn't matter YOU ARE STILL PROFILED in the wrong area (You are VP of The Company Shopping at) because you are never going to stop being in your black skin. JayWalking is a […] RIP Harold Easter...
Dane Calloway breaks Indians and Donald Trump's Views... You be the Judge...